Money Matters Conference

In a week, it could all be different. Your financial life, how you deal with money, your ability to increase your earning potential and finally getting started with investing because you know just HOW to.

This and much more including buying a property and saving for an emergency fund will be talked about at the Money Matters Conference happening NEXT WEEK SATURDAY, JULY 28TH, 2018. This 3 hour intensive workshop and seminar happening in London  will have you feeling confident about how to earn, save and grow your money for the rest of the year.


3 Common Mistakes Stopping You From Reaching Financial Freedom

Let’s talk about what really holds us back from saving / investing & break that down.
  1. FOMO:
    a lot of people think if they save or invest they won’t have time to do other things they normally do or can’t be spontaneous with their money.
    a lot of people think if they save or invest they won’t have time to do other things they normally do or can’t be spontaneous with their money. Click To Tweet
Demystified: Contrary to popular opinion you CAN have a decent lifestyle and still save & invest.
You may have to make sacrifices every now and again, but I promise its worth it in the long run.
Here’s how I was able to go on 5 holidays last year whilst saving nearly 30% of my NET income.
  • Having multiple accounts: I have about 6 different accounts, which easily sections out my money as soon as I receive it. Bills, credit card, everyday spending, travel & short term savings, investing and emergency fund. I’m very extra like that but it helps me understand exactly where my money needs to go. You don’t have to have this many but at least have these 3- Emergency fund, Savings & Investment & everyday account.

5 Crucial Differences Between Saving VS Investing

Staying put is easy and safe, going into uncharted territory is risky.

At some point or the other, either we were told to, or we sort of figured it out on our own, or maybe even your friends told you – someway, somehow, you started saving.

It wasn’t too hard – you just take some money and put it somewhere that your everyday cash is not. It was really that simple.

Do this for a few weeks, months and years and you may think that’s all there is to succeed in your financial life. What you would soon come to know, is that, on it’s own saving is never enough.

Or as I say, you cannot save your way to financial freedom.

Setting SMART Goals

It’s time to make SMART goals. Where do you want to be in 5 years? How about in 2? This year maybe?

We all have goals and dreams. We have things we want to do, places we want to visit and things we’d like to accomplish. However sweet our plans seem, they are nothing without actions. We all want to wake up in 5 years in our dream homes with our dream cars etc. That’s all well and good. Except from the part where we’re not changing our actions to reflect that lifestyle. We are acutely aware that our choices today determine our tomorrow. Why then do we stay doing wishful thinking instead of actively working on those goals? Nothing ever came to those who slept and dreamt sweet dreams.

 ‘Start doing and stop ‘dreaming’.

2017 In Review & A Special Thank You

As my last post of the year 2017, I thought I’d use the opportunity to say a massive thank you to you.

For all your love and support, thank you

For the feedback and constructive criticisms, thank you

For the likes, comments, shares and subscriptions, thank you

For being patient and kind with your words, thank you


I appreciate every single email, comment, like and share and I do not take it for granted. So, to end the year, I thought I’d share some of the top 3 lessons I learnt during the year: