The Save Spend Invest Letters

Happy New Year, Save Spend Investors – welcome to 2019! THIS is the year we do things right with our money and our mind.

I am therefore happy to introduce to you the first of the Save Spend Invest letters. A curated feed sharing ways for you to understand your money lifestyle by sharing non fiction stories for you to pull key messages from. The idea is that you see yourself or your situation in one of the stories from the characters and apply the principles to your own life. The first story, Lucy’s story talks about hitting your saving goals for this year and the way Lucy is doing hers.

I hope you enjoy it, and if you would like to be a contributor or write for us then email

I look forward to hearing from you.


What to do when your savings account is approaching overdraft…

A lot of us, including me, struggle with saving money because we don’t have enough motivating goals to match them to. When we’re 18, 19 and 20 and are having the time of our lives in university, the last thing on our mind is ‘how do I save better’ or ‘where do I put my money to grow?’. Unknown to us, that these conversations to be had sooner rather than later, will either lead us into financial turmoil post university or financial success.

It’s not very hard to see why a 21 year old coming out of university with student loan and maybe some overdraft will think ‘hm, where do I invest now that I’m working?’ Whilst our formative years are our toddler years, a lot of what is learnt in early adolescence, is a strong foundation and really shapes the rest of our future adolescent years.

How do we then tackle this? We don’t want to take away the joys of university students, neither do we want to come into the real world and realise that it’s going to take more than a decent paying job to become financially successful.

3 Common Mistakes Stopping You From Reaching Financial Freedom

Let’s talk about what really holds us back from saving / investing & break that down.
  1. FOMO:
    a lot of people think if they save or invest they won’t have time to do other things they normally do or can’t be spontaneous with their money.
    a lot of people think if they save or invest they won’t have time to do other things they normally do or can’t be spontaneous with their money. Click To Tweet
Demystified: Contrary to popular opinion you CAN have a decent lifestyle and still save & invest.
You may have to make sacrifices every now and again, but I promise its worth it in the long run.
Here’s how I was able to go on 5 holidays last year whilst saving nearly 30% of my NET income.
  • Having multiple accounts: I have about 6 different accounts, which easily sections out my money as soon as I receive it. Bills, credit card, everyday spending, travel & short term savings, investing and emergency fund. I’m very extra like that but it helps me understand exactly where my money needs to go. You don’t have to have this many but at least have these 3- Emergency fund, Savings & Investment & everyday account.

The Young Professionals Guide to Financial Freedom

Ugh, adulting. /ādülting/ [Urban dictionary] to do grown up things and hold responsibilities such as, a 9-5 job, a mortgage/rent, a car payment, or anything else that makes one think of grown ups.
Adulting is that one thing we are all starting to do but no one really likes it or talks about much about it. Well guess who’s here to address the elephant in the room?