
The Save Spend Invest Letters

Happy New Year, Save Spend Investors – welcome to 2019! THIS is the year we do things right with our money and our mind.

I am therefore happy to introduce to you the first of the Save Spend Invest letters. A curated feed sharing ways for you to understand your money lifestyle by sharing non fiction stories for you to pull key messages from. The idea is that you see yourself or your situation in one of the stories from the characters and apply the principles to your own life. The first story, Lucy’s story talks about hitting your saving goals for this year and the way Lucy is doing hers.

I hope you enjoy it, and if you would like to be a contributor or write for us then email

I look forward to hearing from you.


The Save Spend Invest Podcast

Hey guys!

Long time no speak! Well if you’ve been wondering where I’ve been, I’ve been hanging out on Podcasts! We’re just over 10 episodes in and over a thousand downloads and I thought I’d bring you guys in on the fun! We’ve talked about budgeting vs automating, uni tips on managing your money, balancing your 9 – 5 and business, 8 ways to improve your money management, self control and money and so much more. It’s been amazing getting to talk to you guys through this medium and receiving your questions and feedback after each episode. We’re available on your major podcast channels – Apple, Spotify, Google Podcasts etc. So come check us out, and tell all your friends but most of all let us know how you’re loving it. We love seeing your screenshots on IG stories, or Twitter saying what you took from each episode.

Hopefully by 2019 we’ll start transcribing some of the episodes here, and creating some new content but for the meantime, please come say hello in our dm’s which are always open @savespendinvest. If you’d like to create some content for us, or be a part of the podcast or SSI team, let us know by emailing

See you on the other side!


3 Ways To Break Bad Financial Habits

Just because you want to, doesn’t mean you would.

If you want to change how you save, try this.

Habits. We all have them. And we may want to change a few — especially when it comes to your finances. 

You mean well to want to save, but you can’t help nicking a tenner from your savings account when you’re out with friends, having used up all your current account balance for the month. 

I mean that’s what savings are for right? To save you from the woes of shame around you? Right? Wrong.

The problem isn’t that you don’t know how to save or you don’t know what to save, it comes down to something more integral. You guessed it — habits.

Habits make up majority of our day to day lives. From our morning routine, to what we do at work, to what we do after work when we get home, there’s a structure we tend to follow, mostly. By the same token, there are some things you do that you may not think is a habit, but it really is. For example, if you like eating out every other Friday night, that’s a habit. You do it, you’ve been doing it and it’s what you like to do. 

For some people, it’s coffee. They can’t go without it, and we all know how Starbucks coffee is always better than homemade coffee so that’s their early morning fix… every morning, every day. Habits. We’ve tried to tame them or control them, but they always end up sneaking up on us.

I’ve always said that personal finance doesn’t really start with the numbers, it starts with your mindset. Your thoughts control your decisions and actions. But there’s a missing step. Your thoughts control your habits, which control your decisions and actions.  Your thoughts control your habits, which control your decisions and actions. Click To Tweet

So instead of telling you to not do what you want to do the most i.e. buy your Starbucks coffee each morning, let’s look at 3 ways to breaking bad habits. 

  1. Replacing the habit with another: A bad habit I used to have before going to bed was having a snack. Instead of saying I was going to stop that, I replaced it with using that time to wash my face. And when I washed my face and brushed my teeth, I didn’t feel like eating anything anymore. So whenever I feel peckish right before I go to bed, I go straight to wash my face and that’s how I’ve managed to break that habit. 
  2. Cutting out your triggers: Another bad habit a lot of young people struggle with is picking up their phone as soon as they wake up. We can’t help it since our alarms are on our phones, so this is an easy trigger that points us to social media at day break. To cut this bad habit, I got an alarm, and left my phone in another room or at the farthest end of my bed. So when I wake up to a real alarm and hit the snooze button a few times, I can actually go straight into the shower rather than spend time mindlessly scrolling through social media. If your bad habit is impulsive shopping, your trigger will be going to the mall. This is where real discipline comes in. I had to put a ban on myself from going into Zara. Sounds dramatic but I didn’t go anywhere near it for nearly 3 months. Know your triggers and cut them out by any means possible. 
  3. Start new habits: Another bad habit I had was coming back from the gym in the evening and eating an unnecessary really heavy meal. It wasn’t done consciously, but because I had gone to the gym, I could justify eating anything after. To break this, I started going to the gym in the morning. I knew I couldn’t eat a heavy breakfast no matter how hard I tried, so I swapped my gym time and cut my calories in half. 

As you can see, I have a lot of bad habits, as I’m sure most of us do. However, I have broken most of them and keep finding new ways to break the really old ones. 

Do you have any stories about your bad habits? Or do you want to try the 3 steps above and let us know how you’re getting on? Tweet at us or mention us on your story on Instagram. Our handle on all social media channels is @savespendinvest. 

Happy habit breaking!


One Year On | A Girl & Her Money Story

A year ago, I started Save Spend Invest with one simple mission: to get millennials like myself on the ladder to financial freedom. In the space of a year, I’ve been able to hit goals I didn’t even set for myself initially. Some of the highlights over the last year are:

  1. Hosting a conference: Save Spend Invest – The Conference was held in Reading on March 3rd, 2018 and we still have testimonials coming in saying how helpful it was in shaping the rest of the year. We had a seminar and workshop which featured talks on getting out of debt, getting started with investing and building your investment portfolio. Check out this blog post about it.
  2. Launching my first book: The ABCs of Personal Finance was an idea I had towards the end of last year, fuelled by all your questions, suggestions and a passion for helping people take their first step in personal finance. A small girl with a big God and 6 months after, a book was launched! Officially launched online on May 16th, 2018 and a book launch party on June 2nd, 2018 in London. Book sales of over 250 copies from people all of the world have left me feeling so overwhelmed. Goes to show you how no idea is ‘stupid’ or ‘impossible’. All it takes is hard work and trusting God. Grab a copy here if you haven’t already! If you have read the book, please leave a review on Amazon!
  3. Co-hosting another conference: After SSI The Conference, I teamed up with one of my speakers, Freddie Odukomaiya and we decided to have another conference. Right in the middle of summer in Central London, on July 28th, 2018, nearly 50 of you turned up to what was an amazing and highly informative conference.  We talked more about investing, monetising your skills and the psychology of money. Check out highlights on our Instagram here.


Other things I got up to were several speaking events, which I have thoroughly enjoyed so much and have decided I would like to do some more of in future. I have been a keynote speaker at a two business conferences by GYM London, being part of a panel at Vanguard Money Matters forum hosted by Women in The City Afro-Carribean Network, sat on the panel for Royal Bank of Scotland’s Personal Finance Event hosted by Young MCA to name a few.


So, if all of this was in a year, what’s next for year two???! Honestly, I couldn’t even tell you. None of what has happened in this past year has been anything that I could’ve dreamed or imagined. However, in year two, I would like to be more intentional and set some big goals, some of which include:

  • University [book] tours: It has been my dream to take SSI to universities and I aim to do that through workshops in societies, as a start. First up, I’ve got my first stop  at the University of Birmingham where I would be hosting a workshop mid October. Next up, Nottingham University and we’ll see how it goes from there… If you’d like me to come and host a workshop at your university, please get in touch with me using the Contact tab.
  • More speaking gigs: I have naturally always gravitated towards speaking as a means of expressing myself so I hope to do more speaking events. If you would like to book me for your event, please also contact me at
  • A podcast: I’m trying something different here and have decided to take Save Spend Invest into audio! This is an informal chit chat podcast about money and how to get smarter with it. I’ll be sitting down with a few people to talk about how to be financially successful in uni, at work or in business. Listen on all your favourite channels – just search ‘Save Spend Invest’. Please subscribe, and share with all your friends you think might enjoy it! Also send your suggestions and questions to us @savespendinvest on Twitter and Instagram. Here it is on Apple podcasts. Enjoy!


Other things to come  include more videos (follow me on Instagram so you don’t miss it) , useful free toolkits & a product that helps you manage and track all your financial goals.

It has been a privilege to have impacted quite a number of you, so I want to say a big thank YOU for sticking with me. All your encouragement, well wishes and questions went a long way into my being here today. Save Spend Invest is more for you than it is for me, so please if you have any questions, comments or suggestions, do send them on. I love hearing from you and how you’re getting on with your journey. If you would like to share your money story with me, please email

I look forward to this new season with you.

All my love.




What to do when your savings account is approaching overdraft…

A lot of us, including me, struggle with saving money because we don’t have enough motivating goals to match them to. When we’re 18, 19 and 20 and are having the time of our lives in university, the last thing on our mind is ‘how do I save better’ or ‘where do I put my money to grow?’. Unknown to us, that these conversations to be had sooner rather than later, will either lead us into financial turmoil post university or financial success.

It’s not very hard to see why a 21 year old coming out of university with student loan and maybe some overdraft will think ‘hm, where do I invest now that I’m working?’ Whilst our formative years are our toddler years, a lot of what is learnt in early adolescence, is a strong foundation and really shapes the rest of our future adolescent years.

How do we then tackle this? We don’t want to take away the joys of university students, neither do we want to come into the real world and realise that it’s going to take more than a decent paying job to become financially successful.

Money Matters Conference

In a week, it could all be different. Your financial life, how you deal with money, your ability to increase your earning potential and finally getting started with investing because you know just HOW to.

This and much more including buying a property and saving for an emergency fund will be talked about at the Money Matters Conference happening NEXT WEEK SATURDAY, JULY 28TH, 2018. This 3 hour intensive workshop and seminar happening in London  will have you feeling confident about how to earn, save and grow your money for the rest of the year.


3 Common Mistakes Stopping You From Reaching Financial Freedom

Let’s talk about what really holds us back from saving / investing & break that down.
  1. FOMO:
    a lot of people think if they save or invest they won’t have time to do other things they normally do or can’t be spontaneous with their money.
    a lot of people think if they save or invest they won’t have time to do other things they normally do or can’t be spontaneous with their money. Click To Tweet
Demystified: Contrary to popular opinion you CAN have a decent lifestyle and still save & invest.
You may have to make sacrifices every now and again, but I promise its worth it in the long run.
Here’s how I was able to go on 5 holidays last year whilst saving nearly 30% of my NET income.
  • Having multiple accounts: I have about 6 different accounts, which easily sections out my money as soon as I receive it. Bills, credit card, everyday spending, travel & short term savings, investing and emergency fund. I’m very extra like that but it helps me understand exactly where my money needs to go. You don’t have to have this many but at least have these 3- Emergency fund, Savings & Investment & everyday account.

The Young Professionals Guide to Financial Freedom

Ugh, adulting. /ādülting/ [Urban dictionary] to do grown up things and hold responsibilities such as, a 9-5 job, a mortgage/rent, a car payment, or anything else that makes one think of grown ups.
Adulting is that one thing we are all starting to do but no one really likes it or talks about much about it. Well guess who’s here to address the elephant in the room?

2 Ways To Make Your Income Last Longer

Have you ever gotten to the 10th or 15th day of the month and wondered where all your income you just got went to? We’ve all been there. It’s the last day or last Friday of the month and it’s payday #woohoo! The bad news is by Sunday you’ve spent a good proportion of that money and by the following Sunday you’re stuck. You should have more money, but you don’t. And you still have bills to pay mid month. You also need to travel to go see your parents. Or maybe not? So what do you do? How do you make your money go further?

Here are two things you can try to make your income last longer. Choose what works for you and stick to it as far as you can.